Guidelines for participents

1) Every participant should be carrying their own water bottles. No cups/bottles will be provided at the venue. Water cans will be there to refill the bottles.
2) We cannot provide transport and refreshments to those students who are not participating. Please arrange those in case you are bringing in non participants.
3) Every team should carry their own Glucose packets as providing it separately to all the teams is not possible.
4) Teams will be allotted specific spots near the pitches/tracks. All the teams must be seated at their allotted spaces only for the convenience of the organizers.
5) Go trough all the rules documents before hand. You can view all the sports related documents here. These documents are still under construction. However, they will be finalized by 6th Feb 2017.
6) All the participants are suggested to wear proper inner wears during the event days.
7) In case there is any delay from your side in reaching the pickup point on time, the buses will leave for the venue without your team. You are suggested to arrange for your own transport for that day.
8) In case you are not opting to use the transport provided by the organizers, please inform us at least two days prior. It be very useful for us.
9) A disco (disciplinary committee) team headed by  will be controlling the crowd and guiding everyone on behavior management and venue (toilets and premises) maintenance. please cooperate
10) Kids might vomit in buses. You are suggested to carry required medicines, lemon, tissue papers and vomit bags before boarding the buses.
12) Clothing has been specified in the rules documents of different games. Please adhere to it.
13) Prep the participants for at least 7 days before the event day. They need to build up their stamina and not feel overwhelmed during the day of the event.
14) TATA Gloco+, a biscuit pack and a banana will be provided to all the participants. However, it is suggested they bring their own lunch boxes as refreshments provided will not suffice.
15) No specific breaks might be provided for eating food. Please take care that the students are fed.
16) Nothing specifically has to be done by the participating fellows after their students are checked in. However, please be open to any last minute requests for help. Collaboration is the main pillar for success of the event.
17) Try to select only one sport per student as they will be jam packed and busy in a single sport and cannot afford to be switching between sports.
18) Visit our website for any updates.
19) All the participating schools are requested to pay the registration fee by 13th Feb